Mission 2022 – Diocese of Kerry

By kerrygaaeditor Sun 16th Jan

Mission 2022 – Diocese of Kerry
Mission 2022 – Diocese of Kerry

Oisin McConville headlines Mission 2022 in the Diocese of Kerry


Sunday Jan 16TH to Wednesday 19th


Moving Forward in Hope

Oisín McConville kicks off this Mission Online, on Sunday, January 16th at 8.00pm. For those that follow Gaelic football, Oisin needs little introduction. He is an Armagh football legend, All Ireland winner, and an All-Star. He is also a popular GAA pundit on RTE’s ‘Sunday Game’. Despite enjoying a glittering career, Oisin developed a gambling addiction which nearly cost him his life. His talk is entitled: Starting Afresh. More Details and to Register


This diocesan Mission has connections to local parishes and runs for four days starting on Sunday 16th. This Mission, called, Moving Forward in Hope offers an opportunity for people to gather in reflection and in prayer, online and in the home. Like the traditional Parish Mission, all are welcome to participate. All age groups are welcome as are those who have disengaged with church. Register with dioceseofkerry.ie to get your daily Mission Schedule e-mailed directly to you and giving you links to all aspects of the Mission.


It is hoped the Mission will:

  • Help to lift the spirits and hearts of those who take part
  • Nurture faith communities in this ongoing Covid reality
  • Encourage people to live with hope and solidarity as a community we negotiate our way through this challenging time.


The elements of the Mission

A Mission Booklet available online on dioceseofkerry.ie or in hard copy from your parish church.


A Schedule of Mission activities for each day Sunday to Wednesday

Each day, you are invited to join in

  • Daily Prayer – outlined in The Mission Booklet
  • Mass in your parish
  • Daily Reflection – online
  • Children’s Prayers– online
  • Family Time – suggestions in The Mission Booklet
  • Mission Talk each evening at 8pm


YouthDoK Instagram for youth and young adults

16- to 30-year-olds, are invited to follow The Mission online through Instagram and their own podcasts linked to the Mission Talk Speakers.

The Mission will be central to our ongoing Radio Kerry Programming

  • Horizons at 9am Sunday
  • Sunday Mass at 10am Sunday
  • Just a Thought at 7.30am and 12noon Monday to Friday

Those interested in attending can Register on www.dioceseofkerry.ie and will receive a daily email with the direct link to each aspect of the Mission.  There is also an opportunity to make online Prayer Petitions.

Mission 2022 can be followed on the Diocesan website, on Instagram and Facebook.



A Message from Bishop Ray Browne in relation to The Mission:

The love of Christ has made us,

out of many, one.

In our midst is dwelling God’s eternal Son.

As Parishes of the diocese of Kerry, it is good for us to unite online for a four-day Mission, like we did last January.

The Mission provides an opportunity for people of all ages to take time to reflect on the meaning of life, to unite in prayer and together to “Move Forward in Hope”.

The month of January encourages hope.  Each day there is a little more daylight. Spring is on the way. Our Mission centres on Jesus Christ our Saviour. He is our strength and guide.  In Him is all our HOPE

Ray Browne

Mission Talk Speakers




Oisín McConville – Starting Afresh

Sunday, January 16th at 8.00pm

GAA pundit and counsellor

All Ireland Education Facilitator

For those that follow Gaelic football, Oisin needs little introduction. He is an Armagh football legend, All Ireland winner, and All-Star Award winner. He is a popular GAA pundit on RTE’s the ‘Sunday Game’. Despite enjoying a glittering career which is still fondly remembered in his home county and beyond, Oisin developed a gambling addiction which nearly cost him his life. In his book ‘The Gambler’ he writes about how his gambling spiralled out of control and hitting rock bottom, he spent 13 weeks at a rehabilitation centre in Galway in 2005, the first step on a journey of recovery which has raised the profile of gambling addiction in Ireland.


Oisin has helped hundreds of athletes in the UK and the Republic as a trained addiction counsellor and much sought-after public speaker. He has worked for Sporting Chance for many years as part of our gambling education programme and leads Sporting Chance’s partnership with Sport Northern Ireland.

As a Counsellor he gives talks all over Ireland about mental health.
Throughout his addiction and recovery experience he looks for the positive. This was his most important life lesson, and he feels it is a lesson we can all benefit from during the challenges of Covid-19.




Kate Liffey – Sustained by Love

Monday, January, 17th at 8.00 pm

Chaplain, catechist and mother


Kate Liffey, a native of Swords, Dublin studied to be a Religious Education teacher in the Mater Dei Institute of Education.  She subsequently taught in St Leo’s College, Carlow and in Coláiste Iognáid, Galway.  After completing post graduate studies, she worked with the Edmund Rice Schools Trust, and with Trócaire.  She was then appointed as National Director for Catechetics of the Irish Bishops’ Conference and following that joined CEIST, the Trustee Body for 107 Catholic post primary schools in Ireland, as a Faith Leadership and Governance Coordinator.  She is now a full-time Chaplain in St Brendan’s Community School, Birr.  She is married to Geoff and has four children.


Fr Seán McDonagh – Sowing Seeds of Hope

Climate justice activist and Columban priest

Tuesday, January 18th at 8.00 pm

Fr. Sean McDonagh is a member of the Missionary Society of St. Columban, environmental activist and eco-theologian He is renowned for his leadership on climate change and care for the earth and is one of the foremost Catholic proponents of ecological awareness.

He has  recently written a commentary on the  papal encyclical about the Environment: On Care for our Common Home; a text and commentary on Laudato Si.

In it he reviews the history of Catholic teaching and the environment, he elaborates on several of the specific themes in the encyclical—climate change, biodiversity, water scarcity, the threats to the ocean, and the crisis of food. He puts forward suggestions about what must be done to turn the pope’s vision into a program of effective action. Each of us has a role to play.

He is well known around the world as an eco-theologian who works to raise awareness of the connections between justice and peace issues, environmental sustainability, and faith. His books include Climate Change: The Challenge to All of Us, Greening the Christian Millennium, Care for the Earth, and Dying for Water.



Miriam Kerins Hussey – Embracing Life

Wednesday, January 19th at 8.00pm

Pharmacist and holistic health and wellness coach


Miriam is a qualified pharmacist with huge passion for holistic health and wellbeing. She is a qualified Integrative Health and Wellness coach, and meditation facilitator in addition to many other trainings and qualifications. Miriam devotes her life to focusing on the Mind-Body connection and Lifestyle as Medicine.

She is involved in the design and delivery of many executive, corporate and personal wellness retreats, seminars and programmes. She is the co-founder of Soul Space, an international movement of Mind, Body, Soul events and programs and is a leading international keynote speaker in the human health, wellness and performance space.

Miriam is regularly featured in national and international television, radio and print media. Miriam believes that it is the integration of cognitive, emotional, physical, nutritional, mental and spiritual health that leads to true health, vitality and wellness. Her collective qualifications and expertise in both pharmaceutical and complimentary health therapies give her a unique and integrated approach to human health and wellness.

Miriam has been awarded The Business All Star award for ‘Thought Leader in Human Health and Performance’ and is unrivalled in the health and wellness space for her knowledge, wisdom and experience as well as her authenticity, honesty and passion for her work.

By kerrygaaeditor Sun 16th Jan

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