GAA Community Heart Programme

By kerrygaaeditor Tue 6th Apr

GAA Community Heart Programme
GAA Community Heart Programme


The GAA Community Hearts Programme, was launched recently. 

This important programme focuses on Defibrillator Awareness in our clubs.   

According to a recent survey, 42 lives have been saved through the use of a GAA-based defibrillator, or AED. 

This initiative includes a new fundraising platform being put in place to assist clubs who have an AED Unit maintaining and if necessary replace and upgrade their AED, and those who might not have a unit to purchase one.  

The Program allows clubs to fundraise for new Lifepak® CR2 AEDs, which is connected to the internet via the mobile phone network. This means the AED will check itself and notify designated club members via email if there is an issue with the device. 

Further information can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

How does the Community Heart Program work? 

Club registration is necessary to participate in this initiative. 

Registration of a club opting into the Community Hearts Programme can only be completed by club secretaries.    


The GAA Community Hearts Programme gives clubs the opportunity to fundraise for AED(s) for their clubs/communities using a bespoke platform.  Clubs may consider opting in to the programme if:

  • They don’t currently have access to an AED  
  • AED(s) they currently have are 8-10 yrs old (AEDs have a shelf life and may not work correctly if older than 8yrs) 
  • If needed to help clubs with ideas on how to fundraise. 
    • For example, one club raised the funds for their AED in a few days, by encouraging their members to get active by completing a 5K run, walk or cycle, & making a donation of €5 to the campaign. They also asked members to take & share an image of their hands in a heart shape while doing their 5K 
By kerrygaaeditor Tue 6th Apr

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